Makeshift Bandages


NOTE: It is assumed that all Warriors are wearing Robes (from the Lightning Hazard, #36, which sometimes requires a Warrior purchase new Robes at the General Store). Therefore, I will allow one attempt each for standing Warriors to tear up their robes and apply them as bandages. Here is the procedure:

1. Strength OR Initiative Test (choose whichever gives you the better chance if any). Roll 1D6 and add your characteristic. It requires a 7+ to succeed.

2. Quantity of Bandages: roll 1D3 to determine number you have been able to create from your robe.

3. Apply Bandage: a. must be adjacent or pass them to someone who is; b. roll 1D6 for 4+ to succeed. If you fail, that bandage is wasted. NOTE: just like normal Bandages and Provisions, I will allow you to try as many times as you have bandages.

4. Wounds Healed: 2 (NOT 3, because these are NOT proper Bandages)

5. Buy Robes: at your next opportunity, you MUST purchase Fine Robes at the General Store OR acquire proper clothing wherever you can.

Lastly, yes, these bandages WILL spoil at the end of the adventure. It wouldn't be fair to let them last longer! ;)

The process is the same for a Warrior trying to convert Furs into bandages, but I require a Strength test (no Initiative test since they are so thick!). This procedure I am going to include as standard for most of my games. It isn't a lot, but it may sometimes give a better chance to survive.

These bandages are only created when no other healing is available to save a Warrior's life (on ZERO Wounds OR to prevent Fatal Damage).